20 June 2007

Post 2:
While this wouldn't be soon, what do people think about a print version of IofM?
Would you buy it? Depending on what price?
I'd like to know so I can decide if I HAVE to redraw old comics, and doing 400 a sitting sounds relatively uncomfortable.

Feedback for these posts would be appreciated.


Anonymous said...

I would absolutely buy a print version. I would suggest pricing it at close to what graphic novels go for (national average).

Toad said...

As much of a fan I am of webcomics in general, and yours in particular, I've never really had the space to keep a bunch of comic books around, when I know I could get most of the comics on the website. Don't want to discourage you at all, but you asked for opinions, and that's my personal experience.

A "premium" option online, that opened up extra comics or commentary or what-have-you, I would consider sooner than a print book.

Anonymous said...

Seeing as how i just read through your archives in a sitting (starting at about 3 30 am my time, woo insomnia ftw) i feel the need to give feed back, I think a printed version would be a very good idea, my only suggestions are:
one, try to end the book at the end of an arc (kinda standard but i felt the need to share anyways)
and two, try to include some sort of bonus material, commentairies, sketches, bonus comics, or even perhapse a full out side story exclusive to the book.
anyways, yeah thats my two cents.