01 March 2010

So yeah, I have tests and projects due all up through the 18th of March, including a mid-semester final. I'm gonna try to come out with updates anyway, because I got majorly ill during February and sucked. (Seriously. I haven't been sick all previous 3 years of college, and then this year - wth?)
Really though, there's a good chance of no updates until after the 15th. But after that, depending on my schedule, there's a good chance of 2 updates a week. This is how bad quantum physics screws with your life. Nm I probably should've taken it a year ago.

Oh yeah, RSS feed should work. ish.


Unknown said...

i only recently found your comic and i must say that i /greatly/ enjoy it. ^^ Your world is super interesting and i love all of your info and asides. hehe Thanks for an awesome comic and i look forward to continuing to read it in the future. Good luck with your busyness and internet-less days! D8

Aredhel said...

I also only recently found your comic, but I LOVE it and its awesome, and thanks so much for all your hard work. :)