28 December 2010

I've been toying with whether to show the draugr fight or not, and just when i drew up the comic that would have ommitted the draugr at 11:45pm I decided it would be a poor idea. So you get this version now. The colored version will show up tonight, my apologies. I had wanted to get it done by noon, but got a love-call from my dentist. *cringe*
So with these story/dialogue issues, traffic-court that didn't happen (again!), and oh-shit-if-i-don't-pass-this-class-i-won't-graduate ... well, I'd like to say that's why I've been slacking on updating the comic. Buuuut I'm pretty sure playing LOTRO had something to do with it. Luckily I am now in the Lonelands and die more often than I finish quests so my interest is waning considerably. Expect multiple updates a week until second semester.
There will still be an update on Thursday, now that the annoying big decision is over. In theory it should go more smoothly now.

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